
Greg Wood


Greg Wood

Opening Event :
Friday 20 September 2024 @ 5:30pm

Daily Opening Times :
Wednesday 3 – Friday 27 September 2024

Monday – Friday – 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturdays 10:00am – 2:00pm
Sundays CLOSED

An exhibition of works by Greg Wood, SAC’s current Artist in Residence.

Greg Wood’s paintings offer moments of reprieve and contemplation. At once both closely observed and deeply imagined, they depict landscapes not quite locatable. Records of light, colour, and atmosphere, his paintings are the stuff of memory itself.
–Amelia Wallin

Greg Wood is a painter of the earthy and ethereal. During the last 25 years his practice has involved the observation of landscape and the natural world. He paints places traversed through sensory impression
For Wood the essence of place is more important than specifics of location. He creates art that alludes to the mysterious impressions left by landscape, the emotional afterimages that endure. His delicate, layered canvases invite us to enter a felt sense of place, imbued with memory and emotion. Wood describes his work as a ‘slow release’ –the nuance of his paintings gradually revealing themselves to the viewer. A formative influence is Melbourne tonalist, Clarice Beckett, who has informed his use of thin, gestural layers of muted colours, flattened forms, merging tones and diffuse light.

Wood’s paintings are psychologically and visually alluring. The more we look, the more we are invited to come into communion with the subtle aspects how place shapes us, how we dwell in landscapes both literal and interior.

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