Hannah Blackmore
Opening Event : Thursday 21 March 2024, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Daily opening times :
Friday 22 March – Wednesday 3 April 2024
10:00am – 4:00pm daily (including Easter)
Horizon by Hannah Blackmore is a collection of abstract minimalist paintings focusing on the relationship between colours found in the Tasmanian landscape.
“Sometimes the horizon is the only recognisable feature in an abstract painting. It divides the coast from the sky, the ocean from the sky, and the trees from the sky. In this exhibition, I have taken colours from the Tasmanian coast and central landscape and looked at the relationship between them.
With nature as my guide, which colours work best together, and how do they make me feel? I love dark storm skies and pale milky seas. I love warm tree bark against sage blue eucalyptus leaves. I love the navy, white and turquoise found in a raging sea. Pops of colour in a landscape of subdued tones.
This collection of work focuses heavily on colour and texture. Using plaster raised with paint, I create backdrops for my paintings, scratching in lines and making shapes to create another layer of interest. Sometimes the horizon is hidden, under a low cloud or sea mist above the ocean, under the trees or over the hills. But it always exists and is the one constant in an ever-changing and evolving landscape.”
– Hannah Blackmore